Windows server 2012 standard support end date free
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- Windows Server & R2 End of Life | ReadyWorksIt's time to get off Windows and SQL Server (or run them on Azure) | TechRepublic - Products reaching End of Support
Customers are upgrading to the latest release of Windows Server and applying the latest innovation to modernize their IT environment. However, we understand that Windows Server run many business-critical applications and it may take more time for customers to modernize.
We are glad to share that we have great options and benefits for our customers to protect their workloads while they transform with Azure and the latest release of Windows Server. Customers can migrate their workloads to Azure and get free Extended Security Updates for three more years, only in Azure. Customers running these releases of Windows Server on-premises will have the option to purchase Extended Security Updates. Education Sector. Microsoft PnP. AI and Machine Learning.
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Procuring software packages for an organization is a complicated process that involves more than just technological knowledge. There are financial and support aspects to consider, proof of concepts to evaluate and vendor negotiations to handle. With no security patches beyond this date your data and applications will be vulnerable, putting your company at risk. Unfortunately, server migrations take time — up to 18 months depending on the size and complexity of your environment.
There's lots of moving parts, making server migrations major headaches with lots of inherent risk. Manually collecting and aggregating information from multiple sources on spreadsheets takes time and is prone to errors.
You need information about:. Without a clear understanding of complex dependencies between servers, databases, applications, and end users, the risk of breaking access to critical applications is high. Planning a server migration can take months. The same workflows need to be executed over and over again for each server. Keeping your migration on track requires instant visibility into task status and being able to identify the elements of your migration that are putting your project in jeopardy.
Stakeholders also want ongoing project updates, which means days — even weeks — spent on reporting alone. Streamline data discovery. Ditch the spreadsheets. Automate the collection, aggregation, and analysis of all relevant information.
Quickly make sense of complex dependencies. Get a single, real-time view of all apps and their interactions with databases, servers, and end users. Automate requests, reminders, and escalations. Cut the time spent chasing app owners and teams to understand requirements. Leverage self-guided surveys. Use the ReadyWorks self-service portal to get owners and stakeholder to provide the information you need in one central place.
Lifecycle dates extended for Windows Server - Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs.Plan your Windows Server and R2 End of Support - Microsoft Windows Server Blog
Microsoft support for many people is the last resort, the punt after all other attempts have failed. Far more importantly though are security patches. After those five years, it goes to Extended support. That means that you can pay to have additional support phone and full patches. Well … no, because Microsoft treats Service Packs specially. For example, Windows R2 came out on October 22, By default that would mean that R2 would have mainstream support through , and extended through However, Service Pack 1 for it came out February 2, , meaning that the end of support for the NON-patched Windows Server R2 is actually April 9, two years after Service Pack 1 , rather than the normal date.
Meanwhile Service Pack 1 inherits the normal expiration of the OS — and is supported mainstream through , with extended through the end of Confused yet? Windows Server entered mainstream support on October 30, Next post: eDiscovery transition in Office What you need to know. Enter email address. Sign up. Windows Server support lifecycle extended by Bharat Suneja. Microsoft Product Lifecycle Microsoft product lifecycle dictates how long a product is supported after its release. During Mainstream Support, Microsoft provides regular product updates, including non-security bug fixes.
Extended Support: For five years from end of Mainstream Support. During this period, Microsoft provides only security updates. As noted in General Lifecycle Policy Questions : Once a product transitions out of support, no further support will be provided for the product. This means that customers will NOT have access to : Security updates or non-security hotfixes Free or paid assisted support options Microsoft product development resources Updates to online content Knowledge Base articles, etc.
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